Just a Christian Girl Livin’ in a Material World

Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept my limitations.  There are certain areas of life where, honestly, I feel stupid.  I watch my husband sometimes read scientific things with ease and I grow frustrated.  I grow frustrated because science and math don’t come easy to me, in fact, sometimes they just don’t come at all.  These areas are not my strong suit.  They just aren’t.  Now, I could hit the books and study hard and learn this stuff, but it would still never work through me and flow out of me like it does Dustin.  This is not to say that I reject science or give up on it because I don’t fully get it.  I just need to focus my talents where my strengths lie.

Recently, I saw a post about a preacher who was challenging atheists to try to “prove to him” that God doesn’t exist.  He offered $100,000 for completing the challenge.  A youtube blogger called, “The Thinking Atheist” answers him back in an 11-minute monologue.  I watched both videos.  Allow me to break it down for you:  The “preacher” looks like a bearded zealot who barks at the camera like the famous Oxy-Clean guy.  The atheist portrays himself as a calm and rational intellectual who is very well spoken.  If I was teetering on the fence in my belief about God, the atheist would be a lot more appealing.  It’s all just a bunch of propaganda–the atheist is attacking a so-called youtube preacher who doesn’t get much viewership.  All he’s doing is attacking a straw-man, but for the gullible and naive it encourages a conversion to the atheistic view of the world.

The very human side of me wanted to tear apart the atheist’s claims.  I truly did.  But as I went to write the blog, my mind went on vacation.  Please don’t mistake this for doubt or a wavering in my faith; it was none of that.  It was this:  I could write a bunch of scientific stuff as evidence for God, but it just wouldn’t be me.  I’m not one to throw around scientific jargon.  Words like “null hypothesis” usually don’t emerge in my everyday talk.  It’s just not who I am.  If this blog were to be written by my husband, you would get a killer scientific write-up on the evidence for God.  (For those that want some of that evidence, see the end of the post for hyperlinks.)  But, this is my blog and I have to write it in my voice.  My voice concerns matters of the heart.

The problem is that atheists want hard-core proof that God is real in order to believe.  They want empirical evidence.  We’re talking five senses material kinda of stuff.  Measurable stuff.  Tangible stuff.  Here’s the crux of the problem:  Christians can’t prove 100% that God exists and atheists can’t prove 100% that He doesn’t.  Why?  Because in science we can never prove anything 100%.  We just can’t.  We can provide good evidence to determine what is more likely, but we can’t prove it 100%.  Besides that, God exists outside of our universe, and science can only measure that which exists inside of it.  I believe Christians have some amazing, profound scientific, historical, and philosophical evidence, but…I don’t think many atheists really want to hear it.  Several times I have been sent on rat races to gather up evidence to present to them.  In response, they hastily and smugly brushed it all aside.

As I was praying about this blog, I realized that this isn’t a new problem.  I prayed for guidance and lo-and-behold my daily readings were all about the Jews needing signs and “evidence.”  These readings pointed me to the biggest, most emphatic evidence of all time.  And here it is:  Once upon a time, there was tangible, living, breathing man here on Earth.  His name was Jesus.  He performed miracles in front of thousands.  He fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies.  Many died and were tortured for their belief in Him.  He was the real deal in the flesh and, yet, there were those that still didn’t believe.  He was right there in front of their eyes and still they wanted more proof.  “Give me more!! And then I’ll believe!” they shouted.  In one account, Jesus performed a miracle of multiplying loaves and fish to feed many.  The very next day, the people came to Him and said, “What sign can you do, that we may see and believe in you?  What can you do?” John 6:30.  These people had just witnessed a miracle and still they wanted more. Many of his followers soon left because they said his teachings were too hard.  But, really, it was because they didn’t fully believe.  John 6:60.  And I finally understood: You either want God or you don’t.  And if you don’t, there will never be enough evidence in this universe to convince you.

As I said before, I see sufficient reasons for belief.  I think God presents us with this evidence every day in the world around us, but more importantly in our hearts.  You see, each of the physical, scientific pieces of evidence can be discarded by those that are seeking a way out.  Therefore, let me try coming at this from a slightly different angle.  God’s greatest gift to us is our life.  But, without free will, this life wouldn’t be much of a gift at all.  It would be more like slavery.  And, maybe, this is why God doesn’t make Himself so easily known.  You actually have to seek Him out.  And if you seek Him in your heart, He will show you that He is here. But, if you are going to look at God and His beautiful, sacred, supernatural message under the lens of criticism, negativity, and disdain, well, then I’m not sure what can be said.  The Jews had Jesus standing right in front of them (we do have proof that He was really here apart from the Bible) performing all kinds of miracles and some still couldn’t open their hearts to Him.  So, what would it take?  Seriously?  What would it take?

There is evidence out there for the existence of God.  If, as an atheist, you ask for evidence, at least be intellectually honest in acknowledging that Christians do bring some to the table.  Believing in God is not always easy.  Yes, there are days of doubt.  Yes, there are parts of Christianity that are hard for the mind to wrap around.  Saying all that, though, my experiences with God are very real.  I can only explain it and hope that it somehow draws you into a relationship with Him.  The important thing to remember is just because you don’t have the experience that I have, doesn’t mean I’m a liar, unintelligent, brainwashed, or delusional.  Just because it doesn’t make sense to your “logical” mind, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense to mine.  I want a relationship with God, therefore I go seeking Him.  He revels himself to those that so desire and I greatly desire. Saint Paul wrote to the Corinthians saying:

When I came to you, brothers and sisters, proclaiming the mystery of God,
I did not come with sublimity of words or of wisdom.
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you
except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
I came to you in weakness and fear and much trembling,
and my message and my proclamation
were not with persuasive words of wisdom,
but with a demonstration of spirit and power,
so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom
but on the power of God.”

Like Saint Paul, I have no words of wisdom.  I do not speak in a scientific language.  While I love that my Christian faith does not contradict science in anyway, it is not what moves me to Jesus.  It’s Him that moves me.  Like I said before, my voice is on matters of the heart.  Jesus speaks to my heart.  To relinquish my relationship with Him just because I can’t measure Him or feel Him with my five senses would be a travesty.  I would miss Him greatly.  I’m glad that He chooses to find us in supernatural ways.  He does not limit Himself to our very human realm of the five-senses-world.  He exists outside calculations, stats, and scientific proofs.  If we seek to find Him in science, He will revel Himself, but it will never be that hammer-it-home proof many desire.  Remember, if He reveled Himself in all His glory, we would be forced to believe.  And then we wouldn’t be believing because our hearts desired, but because we had no other choice.  He patiently waits for us to desire His presence in our life.  When we find Him in those most mysterious of ways, it only solidifies in our hearts that we have found a loving Father that never ceases to amaze.

If your heart is open and you are interested in some of the evidence Christians have, I encourage you to take the time to look these over.  This is just a few that I find helpful.

Scientific Reasons:



First, I would encourage you to read “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis.  He is a brilliant man and he explains things in a non-nonsense kind of manner.




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