Catholic Pilgrim Videos

  • The Library at Ephesus

    The Library at Ephesus

    Travel with me, Catholic Pilgrims, to Ephesus. This ancient city was a major player to our Christian faith. St. Paul, St. John the Apostle, Our Mother Mary, and St. Polycarp all spent time here working to spread the Good News. While the ancient city is abandoned, the ruins are still pretty magnificent. Ephesus once boasted…

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  • A Catholic Pilgrim Traveling To Ephesus

    A Catholic Pilgrim Traveling To Ephesus

    Before my husband told me about the job in Turkey that he was trying for, I knew literally nothing about Turkey. Okay, I knew that Istanbul was once Constantinople, but that’s it. You all can now freely sing the song, “Istanbul (Not Constantinople).” You’ll get it stuck in your head and that’s a promise. When…

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