Daily Reflection: 22 January 2023

We don’t get to make up our own version of Christianity. It’s not our right.

I mean, people do it, obviously, but it’s not a prerogative that Jesus gave us.

Mr. Christian over here says one thing about a matter of the faith and that “the Holy Spirit guided him.” Mrs. Christian over there contradicts his thoughts and believes she is right because the “Holy Spirit guided her.”

So, God, the Holy Spirit, contradicts Himself?

No, this is impossible. God is perfect and therefore cannot contradict Himself.

Either Mr. Christian is wrong, or Mrs. Christian, or both. They can’t both be right.

St. Paul urges the Corinthians, “in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you.”

Christ built His Church upon St. Peter and gave him the keys to the kingdom and promised him that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it.

If Christ’s words are true (and they are), He would never let His Church fall into error. The Holy Spirit guides and protects only one church—The Catholic Church—from error in matters of morals, doctrine, and interpretation of Scripture.

How do we know it’s the Catholic Church? Because we have an unbroken line of successors going all the way back to Peter and the Apostles.

It’s not up to us, Catholic Pilgrims, to decide how Christianity looks. We are to be obedient to the teachings of the church Christ gave us and trust that the Holy Spirit protects her and will never lead us astray. Even when times seem difficult and dark.

Have a blessed Sunday.

*picture is of the Sea of Galilee.

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