Daily Reflection: 4 March 2024

Recently, my husband and our oldest have had good theological discussions with people—people who are searching.

My daughter, the Focus missionary, was telling me about a recent tabling experience on campus. (Tabling is where the missionaries just set up a table and engage the college students.)

Anyway, a guy with genuine curiosity come up and said, “Prove to me that there is a God. I want to believe in Him, but I just don’t.”

My daughter said to me on the phone, “I was so thankful for Seton (our homeschool curriculum) because it prepared me so well.

I then told her about her dad’s late night talk with a guy on a business trip. I said to her, “I so wish I could have these kinds of discussions. You guys always get to have them.”

She replied back time, “Momma, don’t you know it’s because of you that we can have these conversations? All the studying you’ve done and teaching us, allows us to have these conversations.”

Boy, was the Holy Spirit speaking through her. I’ve thought about this so much since she said it.

See, I’m a highly prideful person. I know myself and deep down a big reason that I want to have these kinds of conversations is to show people I’m right. My daughter and my husband are way better suited to these types of conversations because they have patience and easy-going personalities. They don’t get heated like me.

God knows that it would all go to my head. You can even tell it would because I’m envious of their ability to have these engagements.

My daughter reminded me that I have my place, too, and God has wisely put me in the background where I have equipped them.

You may say, “Well, Amy, you are on here everyday.” That’s true, but all I could see was what I was missing out on, instead of the gifts God has given me to help the Body of Christ.

I had never thought of myself as the equipper, but I’m glad my daughter showed me and humbled me.

We all have our place in God’s work in the world, Catholic Pilgrims. All of it, no matter if front and center or behind the scenes, is important and all of it should be done for God’s glory, not our own.

Live the Faith boldly and travel well this Monday.

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