Daily Reflection: 20 February 2024

I woke up greatly missing Turkey this morning. Even 2 1/2 years removed from living there, I still miss it. So, we get a picture from Turkey today.

As I was reading through the next chapter in Job, the thing that stood out to me the most was when Job said, “How painful honest words can be.”

I’ve been told many times by people that I love, that I’m not as perfect as I’d like to think I am. This is a consequence of being a prideful person.

It’s always painful, even when delivered in the most loving of ways.

So, this morning, I was praying about this reality with God.

A lot of the pain comes from our pride being wounded.

But, I think, a lot of it comes because we desire so much for people to think well of us. The minute we feel that they might think less of us, we feel wounded and wonder if we are really loved.

“How long have they thought badly about me? They must not like me that much because I get on their nerves.”

From here, we have a pity party as a sort of self-preservation practice. We try to comfort ourselves.

This is all because the world has told us that love = complete tolerance and acceptance.

This is a lie and nothing could be further from the truth. Genuine love seeks to make you a better person and sometimes that means calling out sinful and bad behaviors.

Honest words can be painful, Catholic Pilgrims, but we have a choice in how we respond: Pity party or a move to become better. One way keeps us stuck, the other moves us forward.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

**Picture is from the ruins of the once great Basilica of St. John near Ephesus in Turkey.

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