Daily Reflection: 31 December 2023

When I was working at a juvenile detention center, I would often have to make house calls. Teens that were on probation had to be checked in on from time-to-time.

I never went into a house that was healthy. By that, I mean, it was always a home where one parent was missing, the house was a filthy disaster, and the teens were pretty much left to fend for themselves.

It was clear why the teens were in trouble all the time. Their lives were chaos.

I also worked sometimes with the teens that were housed in detention. Some days, we would take the ones in for lesser crimes out to a park for some sun and exercise. We would try to have a baseball game with the teens but it was obvious they had never grown up playing catch or having a parent teach them anything about sports.

All through my years of counseling, rarely did I have a person who came from just a solid, normal family. Nearly all came from broken homes, parents that were neglectful, or a life where family members were exceedingly selfish.

It wasโ€”isโ€”incredibly sad. So many of the teens I just wanted to bring home to a safe, warm, loving house and fix them a healthy meal and be a comfort to them.

Families will always be under attack either by society trying to break them up or by sin. Since Christ was born into a loving family, you can be sure that Satan wants families broken, dysfunctional, or not even desired. At the core of it is all is selfishness.

Can families be healthy? Absolutely. The Holy Family, who we celebrate today, is our model. Will we be perfect as they were? No. Can we strive to live out their virtues? Absolutely.

The Holy Family reminds us that love, selflessness, respect, and trust is what makes a good family. Not money. Not a big house. Not fancy things.

Good healthy families donโ€™t just happen, Catholic Pilgrims. They take work and a giving of oneself, but the joy they bring is immeasurable.

Have a blessed Feast of the Holy Family. May they be our guide.

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