Daily Reflection: 8 December 2023

God has done a lot of things that are difficult for people to believe in because they defy the laws of the natural world. The laws He set up, mind you.

He created the universe and everything in it out of nothing.

He parted seas.

The Incarnation—God becoming man.

There’s all the miracles of Christ.

The Resurrection—a fundamental belief in Christianity.

And then, there’s the Immaculate Conception of Mary and, for a large swath of Christians, that’s a miracle just too much to believe in.

I used to not believe in for no other reason than just because.

But, why not? Who am I to stand around and say, “Oh, no, no, no, Mary doesn’t get a free ticket off the sinner train. Oh, no. She’s gotta ride along just like the rest of us”?

It’s a curious thing to think about, but why would God the Father NOT preserve the woman who would bear His incarnate son from sin?

I mean, when you really think about it, it makes complete sense. In the womb of a pure, sinless, immaculate woman was the perfect place for the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to become man.

Why would we expect anything less? And why would anyone deny that’s it’s possible? Why isn’t it possible for God to have set it up this way?

It’s all so perfect to me: Mary, a poor, obscure, humble woman with a pure, clean soul seems to be the most perfect answer to the Incarnation. Perfect bringing perfect into the world.

Mary is not perfect by her own power, Catholic Pilgrims, but by the power of God. Why? Because nothing true, good, right and perfect is impossible for God, just as St. Gabriel said.

Have a very blessed Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception.

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