Daily Reflection: 19 October 2023

Yesterday, I went to see what was the first picture I ever posted on my page.

This is it from August 14, 2013.

I didn’t write anything. It didn’t get any likes. Nothing.

Back then, I called my page “Passionate Purpose,” which was often taken in the wrong way. 🙄😂

As I looked through my first posts over ten years ago, I cringed a bit at my writing and photography skills. For a long time, I only had about one or two people liking anything I said and they were mostly family members.

Believe me, those first few years were frustrating. Gaining no traction, my husband heard weekly about how I was going to throw in the towel, yet, I just kept going.

Overtime, I changed my name to “Catholic Pilgrim” and I, as my brother would say, “found my why.” With that came clarity and new wind in my sails.

The biggest temptation I aways face is making this about me. I must always remind myself that I started this page for love of God and my Catholic Faith.

Why do I tell you all this?

Well, it is tempting when God gives a calling, a mission, or a talent to use, to wait until you’ve got everything all figured out. Or to wait until you are really good at it.

Don’t wait. The struggles, the trials, the “figuring it out as you go,” is part of the process. You learn so much in that journey. There is no path to sainthood that is easy or perfect; in fact, it’s a lot of falling on your face and having God pick you back up.

Think of the North American martyrs we honor today. What if they had waited until they had mastered the Indian languages first, or until there were comfortable buildings to live in especially during harsh Canadian winters, or until relationships with the Indians were such that all were best friends?

Well, if they’d have waited for that, they would never have done anything.

Conditions are rarely perfect for the journey, Catholic Pilgrims. It takes time to hone skills and talents meant to be used for God’s service, but you gotta start somewhere. God will bless the pilgrimage He’s called you to if you trust Him and have faith that He will see you through.

Live the Faith boldly and travel well this Thursday.

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