Daily Reflection: 18 October 2023

A couple weeks ago, two women showed up at my door to evangelize.

They were very nice and started off the conversation by saying, “We are going around trying to get people’s opinion on what they think the Kingdom of God means.”

I said, “Oh wow, that’s a big question! Well…”

And before I could finish, she said, “Do you believe in the Kingdom of God?”

I replied, “Most definitely.”

She then asked if she could read me a bit of Scripture from the Book of Daniel. I said, “Sure.”

I was trying to figure out what denomination she was, as she hadn’t told me, and whatever she picked to read me, I thought might clue me in.

It was a section on the Kingdom of God and how it will overtake all other kingdoms.

When she was done, she asked if I could see how the Kingdom of God is the best government there is and that we should want that government to spread over all other governments.

I said back, “Well, the Kingdom of God is more than a government. That would be reducing it down.”

She asked if she could come back at a later time to talk with me about it and I said, “I appreciate the offer but I’m a devout Catholic and I would never belong to any other church.”

She said, “Oh, I see, you only want to hear what your church has to say about the Bible?”

I smiled and said, “Well, I guess, yes. The Catholic Church gave us the Bible, they compiled it, so, yes, I want to hear from them.”

What’s interesting is that the younger lady looked a bit shocked by this news, as if she had never considered it, much like myself before becoming Catholic.

She thanked me for my time and for being kind and I wished them a good day.

When it comes to truth in the moral, spiritual, and religious life, we can find it. Truth is not impossible to find. God would not make it so. He would not make some moral or religious principles true for some and not for others, that would be to contradict Himself, which is impossible.

Along the path of life, Catholic Pilgrims, we must weigh the choices before us, use our reason and intellect to discern, look to the wisdom of those before us as a guide, and then throw away ideas that aren’t true. It really is okay to do that.

Have a blessed Wednesday.

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