Daily Reflection: 11 October 2023

The first wave of feminists, who fought for basic standard equality rights, were not wrong in their desires. Something happened, though, after that first wave that has been a scourge to womanhood.

See, there comes a point in each woman’s life where she clearly recognizes that she is the more vulnerable sex. It’s the reality of the differences of a man and a woman’s body.

Because women are more vulnerable, we need a certain level of protection from good men and women intuitively know this. It’s why, for the most part, we are attracted to men in uniforms. The uniform communicates a man who’s willing to protect the vulnerable.

In talking to my husband last night, I expressed how I think this vulnerability led modern-day feminists to actually hate being female. They are envious of men and seem to feel shame over their womanhood.

Hence all the ways they try to shed those things that are natural to most women. The messaging has been:

1. Housework is seen as subpar. Women need to be in a man’s world.

2. Babies are a burden, but placate that desire for them by dressing up your poochy and pushing them around in a stroller.

3. Sleep around.

4. Be a “boss babe.”

5. Women can do whatever a man can do.

This has led to feminists not really helping or supporting women. Which is why you see them supporting terrorists groups that rape and kill women. It’s why you see many of them tell women that they have to be fine with men in their bathrooms and sports.

They hate who they are and they try to deny there is any difference between the sexes. Consequently, this puts women in danger.

Shame in yourself makes you want to be something else. Feminism in its envy of men seeks to remove femininity and make women more man-ish. And…tries to make men feel shame over who they are by making them effeminate men.

Womanhood is a beautiful thing, Catholic Pilgrims. I love being a woman. I appreciate my husband’s manhood and I need it in my life, just as he needs me to fully embrace my womanhood. I don’t need to compete with my husband. God made the two sexes for a reason, which means both are good and necessary.

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