Daily Reflection: 24 August 2023

Starting with television and then moving into the age of social media, we have seen the desperation with which people want to be seen.

Television and movies brought more people fame, which caused more people to want to be famous.

Not everyone, though, was going to make into movies or television. Social media changed all that. Now, anyone can be seen, anyone can have a platform, anyone can potentially go viral.

We equate fame with mattering or having worth. To be famous and be seen means in our minds that we made it. Just to be seen, people will sacrifice their integrity, their principles, and their reputation.

Even people who donโ€™t want the limelight struggle with the idea that their life wonโ€™t amount to much if they quietly live out their earthly existence.

Today, is the Feast Day of St. Bartholomew, a.k.a Nathanael, one of the Twelve. We barely know anything about his life. He doesnโ€™t get nearly the amount of coverage as St. Peter, St. John, or St. Paul in the Bible.

He gives us insight, though, into what truly matters with regards to our worth. Before he meets Jesus, he is skeptical when Phillip tells him to โ€œcome and see.โ€ When Jesus proves that he knows him by sharing that he saw him when he was off by himself under a fig tree, Bartholomew feels known and seen.

Thatโ€™s all that really matters, Catholic Pilgrims. Whether you are famous or not, whether you do big things or not, you are known and loved by Christ.

Have a blessed Thursday.

St. Bartholomew, pray for us!

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