Daily Reflection: 6 August 2023

The Church of the Transfiguration.

Beautiful churches are a draw for me. I know that many people grumble and gripe about the grandeur of many of our Catholic Churches, but I need them in my life. We have enough ugliness in the world, I need a place full of beauty.

Each time I walk through the doors of a magnificent church, I breathe a sigh of relief. I donโ€™t know if describing it as a sigh of relief is accurate, but itโ€™s as if my soul sighs relief. Itโ€™s hard to explain.

Regardless, I need to be in this beautiful space in the presence of Christ.

The church we just left in DC and our new church here in Alabama are suburb churches, nothing incredible. Something happened in the 60s to art and architecture that is a great mystery that leaves one wondering, โ€œWhat they heck happened?โ€ ๐Ÿ˜•

Itโ€™s always a little down-heartening for me to attend churches that lack beautiful art and architecture. It can give me a bad attitude sometimes. This week, at Daily Mass, I talked to God about this and He reminded me of the Transfiguration.

When Christ was here in earth, He usually looked just like a ordinary guy. He didnโ€™t โ€œlookโ€ like anything special and people couldnโ€™t see Him for who He truly wasโ€”the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

He gave Peter, James, and John, though, a glimpse into His supreme magnificence.

Our beautiful churches are the best way that we humans try to depict Heaven. Iโ€™m grateful that we have so many beautiful ones to raise our hearts and minds to God.

The ordinary ones, though, are kind of like Jesus walking around when He was on earth; people couldnโ€™t see with their eyes who He truly was.

So, God shared with me in my thoughts, โ€œRemember what is happening on the altar. Angels and saints are in your midst adoring My Son there.โ€

When I started to imagine the space around the altar filled with heavenly beings it changed my attitude. While I may not always have the benefit of โ€œseeingโ€ what is truly happening, like the three Apostles did at the Transfiguration, incredible things are happening at the moment of Consecrationโ€”even in a suburban church on a weekday at 8:45 am.

Have a blessed Feast Day of the Transfiguration, Catholic Pilgrims.

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