Daily Reflection: 16 February 2023

One of the things that has traditionally held people together throughout the centuries is the understanding that community was not only good, but necessary.

And three communities in particular: Country, religion, and family.

It was seen as good to love your country and be united to your countrymen. People were to strive to be good citizens and โ€œpromote the general welfare.โ€

Faith life wasnโ€™t meant to be lived alone. Worship was done together to strengthen, support, and bond believers.

Families were to be the foundation of the other two. Sure, families are messy and even insufferable at times, but the understanding was through โ€œthick and thin.โ€ Take care of your own.

There is and has been a real push to tear these three communities down. A radical individualism has taken root which is spreading like a cancer.

We are told that we shouldnโ€™t be proud of our country because of dark times in our past. Every country has ugly blights throughout its history. The goal should always be restoration and healing, not destruction and hatred.

We are told to keep our faith life private. โ€œDonโ€™t bring your religion out where I can see it.โ€ Many a Christian has complied, declaring they donโ€™t need a church, they can worship God by themselves out in nature.

The family has been attacked in numerous ways. Fathers have been told they arenโ€™t needed, mothers are assured they can do it all without a father, children are forced into unnatural living arrangements all to satisfy the selfish desires of people who think they have a right to a child.

And through all this destruction we see each individual trying to outshine the next individual with more absurd and outlandish lifestyles. Because they arenโ€™t bonding to fellow countrymen, believers, and an intact family, they seek attention and affirmation through shocking people. The only real community that exists thatโ€™s deemed acceptable is to be apart of the victim crowd in some capacity. Even then, they try to outdo each other.

God made us for community, Catholic Pilgrims. Strive to make your country better, get thee to Mass, and strengthen your family.

Have a blessed Thursday.

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