Daily Reflection: 23 January 2023

In ten years of writing on social media, I’ve encountered hateful comments. It’s to be expected, there’s a lot of lost, angry people in the world.

The hateful comments never dissuade me, truth has to still be said.

The most hate-filled comments I receive always come when I talk about my pro-life stance. Some of the comments are so bad, I have to delete them.

Some of the “tamer” comments call the unborn:



Waste and leeches

All throughout history one group or another has sought to devalue another group—to see them as less than human.

They work to use language which removes the dignity of the person in an effort to what?

To make them easier to kill or enslave.

It is much easier to kill an unborn child if they are thought of as “goblins,” than if they are seen for what they actually are—a tiny human, growing in the place designed for them, a mother’s womb.

Roe is gone, but we still live in a society that can’t satiate its thirst for blood. People still wail over believing that their right to kill innocent life was taken away.

Can you imagine thinking you have a right to kill innocent life?

I can’t and to be sure, no such right ever existed.

If you are pro-life, you are on the right side of history. Today, the Church designates as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Many states still allow for unborn babies to be snuffed out and denied life which means we still have work to do.

So, we must continue, Catholic Pilgrims, to pray, write, and speak out against this wicked injustice. The most vulnerable need out voice.

St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle…

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