Daily Reflection: 17 January 2023

I often see negative comments from people on marriage posts that say something like, “Ugh, being with the same person for life would be so boring.”

I always wanna comment back, “Oh, so then you are boring, as well? Or are you the Dos Equis man?”

In essence, what that person is saying is that they are boring, you are boring, we’re all boring…unless I just met you for a one-night fling. Then, oh man, then you’re not boring!


I recently had to edit something for my husband. It was a paper he had to write explaining his hobbies and interests. With each military move, my husband takes on a hobby that fits with the area we move to. In Florida, he got into fishing. In California, hiking and rock hunting was his thing. In Nevada, it was visiting National Parks and doing triathlons and Spartans. In Turkey, it was learning Turkish culture and history.

As I edited, I was amazed at all my husband’s interests and experiences. Nearly all of them, we’ve done together. Definitely not the open-ocean fishing, though. I get sea sick in a heart beat. 🤢

We’ve gone from poor college kids where a cheap picnic in the park was fun, to touring ruins in Turkey together.

We have children that bring us joy and we get to see them grow. We’ve experienced sorrows and hardships. We’ve both grown immensely in our faith. We both have quirks that drive the other nuts. We are each other’s best friend.

There is nothing boring about learning a person more deeply and truly. In fact, the longer you are together, the better it gets as people tend to get more interesting with age.

Only knowing a person at the surface level? Now that’s boring. Or, if you are a person who refuses to grow up and seek only to think about your own selfish wants, well, you’ll be pretty boring.

People who truly commit themselves to their spouse and seek to live out marriage as it’s intended, rarely if ever think their spouse or marriage is boring.

Live the Sacrament of Marriage well, Catholic Pilgrims.

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