I Beg You, Please Stop Defending Your Candidate’s Bad Behavior


I beg all people of this country, to please, please, please, be consistent with your beliefs, your words, and your actions. I beg.  I know I’m not always perfect at this, but if I’m not, I promise now, I will humbly admit I was wrong and work to correct it.

When we are inconsistent with our thoughts, words, and actions, we set ourselves up to be less credible and hypocritical.  For example:

Back when I was a youngster, Bill Clinton was caught committing adultery and accused by numerous women of sexually assaulting them.

What do we know?

  1. We do know, for fact, that Bill Clinton did have extramarital affairs.  He admitted to two–with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.  There are others that claim to have had affairs with him, but for the sake of facts, these are the only two that we know for certain.
  2. We know that Bill Clinton was accused of sexual misconduct and rape by several women, however, in a court of law, he was never convicted of anything.  These things could have happened; they could be made up stories.
  3. Most of the Left in this country, immediately rallied around the Clintons and refused to believe any part of the victims’ testimonies.  The Left in this country deflected, ignored, minimized, and blamed the proposed victims.  This is interesting behavior coming from a group of people that speak out continually about believing sexual assault victims no matter what.
  4. Most of the Right in this country, wholeheartedly believed the proposed victims.
  5. Bill Clinton is not up for election at this time, but his wife is and it has been shown that she worked to destroy the reputation of the women that came forward.  You could argue that she was just standing by her man, but it ended up that Bill did do wrong things.  He lied and then he admitted to lying.
  6. We also know that Donald Trump back in 1998 actually defended Bill Clinton during his sex scandal. Interesting that today it means a lot to Trump and that he is rounding up these “terrible victims” to speak out about what Bill Clinton did.

What else do we know?

  1.  We know for a fact that Donald Trump also has had extramarital affairs.  He has admitted to them.
  2. A video was released this past week of Donald Trump lewdly bragging in what has been dubbed as “locker room” talk.  I’ve found that most people on the Right haven’t even watched the video.  It’s very disturbing.
  3. Everyone keeps saying that Donald Trump is all talk, it’s just words, but on the video he specifically talks about how he just grabs women in their private parts and kisses them without asking.  He says that “when you are a star, they let you get away with stuff.”  These aren’t just words, he is referring to actions that he has committed–bragging about them.
  4. Now proposed victims have come forward to say that they have been sexually assaulted by Trump.  Just like with Clinton, they could be made up or they could be real allegations.
  5. Everyone on the Left, wholeheartedly believes the proposed victims.
  6. Everyone on the Right, is completely disbelieving of the proposed victims, much in the same exact manner that the Left disbelieved Clinton’s proposed victims.  I agree, it is always suspect when these things come out just at the opportune time.  But, it is important to note that some allegations have been made before this election reaching back into the 90s.  What I mean, is that women were coming forward back in the 90s and saying that Trump did inappropriate things.  This was long before he ever ran for president.
  7. We have Trump’s own words that he gropes women on tape.  We have women saying that he gropes them.  These don’t contradict each other.

What bothers me so much is that both sides are doing exactly what they say they hate about the other side–the rallying around a political figure just because he is “your guy.”

It is possible that we are being played by the media.  In fact, I know for sure that the media plays to our emotions and they have an agenda.  We have to look critically at all these matters and lay it all out on the table.  We cannot, must not, abandon truth and justice for the sake of a political figure.  It always bites us in the butt.  What Hillary and Trump say behind closed doors has come out into the open.  People on both sides dismiss their candidate’s words as “private conversation” or “locker room” talk, as if this makes it okay.  I’ve found in my life that what a person says candidly in private is more revealing of their true character than of public speech that can be rehearsed and caged.

I’m actually not shocked that either one of these men have been accused of sexual misconduct.  Their character speaks for itself.  Power, money, and fame all have corruptible abilities and it would be silly of us to believe that these men are actual saints that have just been picked on.  We also know that Hillary is untruthful and ruthless in her attempt to ruin people’s lives.  Power, money, and fame doesn’t only corrupt men, they may just display that corruption differently.

My plea here is for all of us to be consistent in thoughts and apply similar principles in similar situations.  We are in this electoral mess because both sides have refused to critically evaluate their candidates.  It bothers me that we defend their abhorrent actions to the core and, yet, bemoan the other side for doing the same thing.  It truly is okay, to criticize these people.  That is exactly what, we the people, are supposed to do.  We don’t have to conjure up ways to make what they did not look so bad; we can call them out.

Above all, let’s not defend bad behavior just because someone else’s may seem or actually be worse.  There will always be someone out there that has done worse things.


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