Daily Reflection: 5 March 2025

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Daily Reflection: 6 March 2025

A mantra that Christians like to say is: In the world, but not of it. I was thinking about this slogan during prayer yesterday and I asked myself, “But, how are we doing with that?” Back in the days of my late teens and 20s, I called myself a Christian. I probably would have given lip-service to this slogan. And yet, I looked exactly like the secular culture wanted me to. I didn’t go to church. I didn’t read my Bible. I didn’t pray. I lived with my boyfriend. I wasn’t chaste. I had the mouth of a sailor. I watched and listened to whatever I wanted. In fact, there is not one single thing about my life that looked any different than a nice atheist’s life. Technically, there are still more Christians in the world than non-Christians and, yet, our world has fallen into moral decay. So, I’m not so sure we can claim that we are doing well with the whole “in the world, not of it” life-creed. If we want to call ourselves Christians and be taken seriously, we will have to lose our lives for the sake of Christ. That means we will have to live differently. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot plunge into the culture living no differently, believing no differently, than those who have entrenched themselves in all the ways of the world and still claim the identity of Christian. The identity of “Christian” must and necessarily includes dying to self and taking up our crosses to follow Christ, Catholic Pilgrims. Lent is a perfect time to honestly assess your life and cut away those areas that have led you to “gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit” yourself. Live the Faith boldly and travel well this Thursday.

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Daily Reflection: 4 March 2025

Tomorrow, Catholic Pilgrims, we begin Lent. This is not a secular self-help time. It’s not a time to outdo others or ourselves in past years. Things don’t need to be complicated. We just need to remember that everything we do or don’t do during this time is to be done with the soul purpose and intention of walking with Christ in the desert. Prayer, penance, fasting, and almsgiving. If there is no sacrifice involved, it lacks what is needed for this time. It is good to go into the desert with Christ, Catholic Pilgrims. Our souls need it. Live the faith boldly and travel well this Tuesday.

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Daily Reflection: 3 March 2025

I finally finished "The Diary of Country Priest." It took me so long because it’s a book that needs devoted attention. This is a book that needs time for contemplation with a fine wine or a good whiskey. There is no high climax. The movement is slow. You cannot sit and devour it. So, if you need swift movement, high energy, and an easy read, I would not recommend this book. The priest--whose name we never know--is a very Christ-like figure. He is simple and good. He wants nothing more than to take good care of his parish, but his light is too much for his parishioners. His light draws out there darkness like a magnet draws out iron shards. Most people cannot handle it and therefore fight against him as if they are fighting against God. Really only one allows that fight to bring about healing. So, if you are wanting a book that forces lots of deep thoughts, I would recommend giving it a try. It takes some time to get the flow of the writer, mostly because the book is translated from French. However, if you are willing to give it time, give it prayer even, I think you would be rewarded by this humble novel with its humble priest. Happy reading and have a good Monday, Catholic Pilgrims.

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