A Catholic Pilgrim Traveling In the Heart of Washington DC--Part One

For three years, our family was stationed in Charlottesville, Virginia. Charlottesville is a short drive from DC, so during our stay, we spent a lot of time exploring our nation's capital. There is so much to do in DC that it would take me forever to list out all the things I'd recommend to do. So, this is a blog on just the things in the heart of DC and not the surrounding areas. I'll have to do those blogs at a later date.First, let me say, no matter how you feel about who is in the White House, every American needs to visit our nation's capital once in their life. Seeing it on tv doesn't cut it. There is nothing like having boots on the ground there exploring all the amazing FREE things to do. It is obvious that you need to walk The Mall, take pictures outside The White House, and go into the Smithsonian Museums. For this blog, I'm going to suggest a few places that may be slightly lesser known. I'll list three places to visit, two places to stay, a few places to eat, and a Catholic must see. If you are visiting DC for the first time, I'd say that a week is ideal, but three days will at least give you a chance to hit the highlights--and there are a lot of highlights.


Ford's TheatreThis wasn't even on our radar the first time I visited DC. We were looking for the Hard Rock Café and stumbled upon Ford's Theatre. Once we saw it, we had to go. This is one of the few museums in DC that does cost money, but it's worth it. You get to go into the theater, see the box where Lincoln was shot, and go across the street is the house where he died. You can stand in the room where one of our greatest President's took his last breath. It's nothing like I imagined it to be. It was a very surreal feeling standing in that room and I often think back on it. I can't recommend this tour enough.

Potomac River CruiseIf you've read any American history book, you've heard of the Potomac River. George Washington's house, Mount Vernon, overlooks it and the view ain't too shabby. One year for my husband's birthday, I planned a river cruise for him. His birthday is in March and it just so happened to be winter's last stand that year. The river was frozen over and we couldn't cruise, so our cruise was postponed until October.The whole family had a ton of fun together. There is dining, dancing, and sightseeing. Cruising down the Potomac River is a great way to see the city without having to deal with the traffic.[caption id="attachment_3468" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

A beautiful day out on the Potomac River.[/caption]A Capitol TourThere are two ways to take a Capitol tour. If you want a more intimate tour, you'll have to call your state rep or senator's office and set up a time for you to come. Plan a few months out and don't leave it for the last minute. It just takes a phone call and it's totally worth it. Our family got to sit in on a session of the House of Representatives, see the first Supreme Courtroom, and get an idea of the workings of our Capitol. It was all very eye-opening and extremely educational. We had an intern give us the tour and it was such a great experience. Did we see anyone "famous"? We did see Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, so that was pretty cool.The other option is to reserve a time to come in. Follow the link above or click here.[caption id="attachment_3469" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Where the Supreme Court used to meet. Now they have their own building.[/caption]


The places I'm recommending are not your run-of-the-mill chain hotels. I'm a hotel snob and prefer unique, so that's what I'm going to recommend. If you have little ones (six and under), I'd probably steer clear of these two places.The Phoenix Park HotelMy husband brought me here for my birthday and I wanted to photograph the whole place. It's a boutique hotel, so it's charming with loads of character. The rooms are cozy and quaint. There are even huge soft fluffy robes to make you feel extra spoiled and were a hit with my girls. This hotel sits very close to Union Station and the Capitol, so it's in a great location for walking The Mall.[caption id="attachment_3470" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

It was sorta chilly.[/caption]Hotel LombardyMy husband and I went here for our 12th anniversary and I felt like a queen. It's elegant, richly decorated, and one of the oldest in DC. I like old historic things. A LOT. This hotel is on the other side of the city very close to the White House. Not a place I'd bring children, but perfect for celebrating an anniversary or something special with your spouse.


The DublinerGo get the coffee. Just go. Go right now. And the sausage. Then send me a thank-you note. This restaurant is connected to The Phoenix Hotel and is an Irish restaurant and pub. We ate here for breakfast and I was in a coffee coma because it was just that good. Breakfast was amazing, as well. It's a dark, rich, warm environment. But, the coffee...thank you, Jesus.

Old Ebbitt GrillThis restaurant is the oldest saloon in DC, though it's moved buildings a few times. The animal heads that decorate the walls are reportedly bagged by President Teddy Roosevelt. It's just an interesting atmosphere and the food is good. This restaurant is very close to The White House and if you go there you may rub elbows with some congressmen and women.Café LombardyIf you want a very special place to eat out this restaurant will not disappoint. Be sure to dress up and take your time. It's chic, elegant dining and the food is delicious. My husband and I ate out here for our anniversary dinner. It's attached to the hotel named above. It's expensive, so save this one for a special occasion.

CATHOLIC MUST SEEBasilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate ConceptionOH, MY WORD. This place is just astounding. You'll need lots of time for this one. Our church in Charlottesville took a "field trip" here one Saturday. I had no idea what to expect and I was blown away. BLOWN AWAY. There are numerous small chapels to see that are beautiful each in their own way. Downstairs is the older church which is dark and mysterious and made me feel in touch with the ancient roots of Catholicism. Upstairs is the grand basilica that will leave you in awe. It's just incredible all the way around. I couldn't believe we had such a treasure here in America. The whole building is a work of art; a masterful work of art. Plan to go here because it is truly a magnificent gem.

Washington DC has so much to do and see. I could literally go on for days.....or pages, I guess. Lol! I hope you enjoy your travels here. If you've been here before, please feel free to share in the comments any places of interest to you.Till next time....travel well, Catholic Pilgrim!

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