A Catholic Pilgrim Traveling At the Grand Canyon

If the rocks cry out in silence so will I
If the sum of all our praises still falls shy
Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion times.

God of Your promise
You don’t speak in vain, no syllable empty or void.

For once You have spoken all nature and science follow the sound of Your voice.



When I was in my early 20s, my family took a trip to San Diego. We flew into Las Vegas, rented a car, and headed off on our family vacation. Along our drive, we stopped at the Hoover Dam and we, also, had a goal of checking out the Grand Canyon. This was all before the invention of GPS, so my dad used good old-fashioned maps to find his way around. As we were cruising down the highway, we found a turn-off that enticed travelers with Grand Canyon scenes. My dad turned down and my excitement began to build.

As we were driving along the road, ticky-tack handmade signs were posted that stated things like "This way to the Grand Canyon" and "You're almost there!" The signs looked like something a 1st grader had thrown together on ripped up pieces of cardboard. Let's just say they didn't look "official." After awhile, we hit a dirt road that grew narrower and narrower as we went. It seemed the sagebrush was closing in on us. After driving for what seemed like forever, we were fed up. I'm pretty sure that my dad said, "We're gonna get lost out here in this desert and we'll die of thirst and the vultures will have a feast!" Needless to say, we turned around. The Grand Canyon would have to wait for another day.

In 2009, the Air Force moved my husband and our family to Edwards AFB in the Mojave Desert in California. We had a list of all the things we wanted to see while stationed out in the West. The Grand Canyon sat at the top of the list. Sadly, with all the other cool attractions around, we didn't make the trek to see the Grand Canyon. We regretted missing out.

Now, after a tour on the East coast, we are back in the West stationed in Vegas. We are getting ready to pack up our goods soon and head back across the country to Ohio. There's nothing like a move to spur you into action and this time, I was NOT going to miss seeing the Grand Canyon. This past Good Friday, we finally made it. After all these years, I finally laid eyes on one of the greatest wonders of the natural world.

We stayed in Williams, Arizona. It's a quaint, clean, charming little town about an hour south of Grand Canyon village.

This town has unique restaurants and most of the downtown sits on Historic Route 66. Give me all the nostalgic things!

Since it was Good Friday, we had to find a place to eat that had vegetarian and gluten-free options. We totally lucked out and ate dinner at the Pine Country Restaurant. Let me tell you...if you love pie, any kind of pie, eat here. The display case was stocked with pies of every kind and they looked so delicious. But, it was Good Friday, so we offered up our desire as a sacrifice.

Pine Country Restaurant

We spent the night at the Grand Canyon Railroad Lodge, a hotel with rustic character. It's the place where you can ride on the Polar Express during the Christmas season. There are big trains on display for kids to enjoy.

Grand Canyon Railroad Lodge

Holy Saturday we got up early and drove an hour north to hit the South Rim of the canyon. I was so anxious to see it. You see pictures all the time of the Grand Canyon, but nothing can prepare you for that first look. It steals your breath away.

No picture does it justice.

It's so vast, so harsh, so silent and ancient. Those mountains have seen many years pass by and you wish they could tell you their stories. I wanted to just sit there and take it all in. Nature is one of the ways that I know God's love. He gave us things to marvel--formations that leave us standing in awe and contemplating God's awesome power. Sure a river carved the canyon, but you can sense that you are staring at a masterpiece imagined in the mind of God.

Since we have a three-year old, we decided to only do the easy family friendly hike that skirts along the South Rim. It's stroller friendly and a very easy, enjoyable hike. Plan to bring snacks, sunscreen, and lots of water. I would recommend a stroller for younger kids as the hike is pretty much as long as you wanna make it. It's also nice to strap kids in. We had lots of talks with our youngest about never running ahead of us and always holding hands.

There are a slew of places to stop off and take fantastic pictures. Mind you, there is really only a few areas that have guard rails and the park allows a lot of liberty with regards to climbing out on rocks. If you are adventurous, there are some heart-pounding climbs. If you prefer solid ground, there are plenty of places to take pictures and gaze at the canyon. My husband and I gazed down into the depths of the canyon and saw all the hikes you can take down to the bottom. We promised ourselves to come back some day and tackle that challenge...but not with a three-year old.

As you make your way along the rim trail, there are museums to stop off and enjoy. There is a wealth of information about the geography, history, and geology of the canyon. There are also a few restaurants, as well. We had lunch in an old historic hotel restaurant called El Tovar. Built around the turn of the 20th century, the hotel felt like a step back in time. I loved it.

Our time at the Grand Canyon was short, but I will never forget it. As a Catholic Pilgrim, our travels will not always take us to a church, basilica, or mission. Sometimes, our travels will be out in God's creation and I always leave feeling renewed and inspired. Viewing one of God's masterpieces was a great way to spend the Triduum. On Holy Saturday, I witnessed God's power and majesty displayed in nature. Easter Sunday, His power and might were displayed in His triumph over death. It was a very good weekend.

Everyone should see the Grand Canyon at least once in their lives. I'm glad I finally got the chance.

Until next time, travel well, Catholic Pilgrim!

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